"When you have to climb a mountain, do not
think that waiting will get smaller"
To begin this analysis, I will
begin by defining the term procrastination. It comes from the Latin
procrastinare. It is the action or habit of postponing activities or situations
that should be addressed, replacing them with other more irrelevant or pleasant
From the definition, you can
easily conclude the negative aspects of this practice in the development of activities
that are part of a strategy whether it is work, business, academic or personal.
These have to do with the
difficulty in implementation, delays incurred because of postponing activities,
higher costs, loss of productivity; or simply the abandonment of a project
because of these difficulties inherent in procrastination.
Normally, this behavior happens
when the person does not like the work that he is going to develop, because he
does not know how to solve the issue properly, because he lacks time, does not
know if he really wants to do what was proposed; or just need a little more
time to reflect.
To define the positive aspects of
procrastination it is important to ask ourselves some questions, such as, for
example, the person who is requesting a specific activity has as much urgency
as the one who is demonstrating, or just wants to have everything under his
control and will finish reviewing the result of the activity one or two weeks
later, or simply the request obeyed a whim that ends up filed and later
I will mention some cases that
allow us to understand when procrastination is justifiable and productive:
You have more important tasks
that generate more value and for this reason you want to dedicate the best,
most productive hours. In this case, it is justified to postpone less important
tasks or that do not need so much of your energy and concentration, it is to
prioritize according to the importance and urgency of each activity, which will
help you to plan your work.
More time is needed to organize
the ideas and understand what we want to do and what would be the best way to
do it. This is rigor in the execution, is analyzing what is in front and not
doing it because you have to comply, in this case it would generate more value
with an additional analysis that would allow us not only to do it but to do it
very well.
It needs more quantity of
elements, data, needs, expectations, objectives, context; among others to make
a better decision. It is not necessary to arrive at the excess of analysis, but
if to have the greater number of elements that allow us to make the most
correct decision, this would take more time, but it would generate more value.
I'm exhausted, I need a period of
rest, relax allows me to see things more clearly. Organizations do not look for
heroes, or professionals who are in front of their computers or in the
workplace for prolonged periods of time, this could be very unproductive. The
best thing is to take it easy, stop along the way, clear your mind and rest your
body, surely after the rest exercise, your mind and your ideas will flow much
better and again it will generate much more value for the organization.
When you are going to give up on
a project, idea or venture, leaving it for tomorrow can be very convenient, it
is possible that you are so close to achieving it, that one more day will make
the difference between success and failure.
When I review the results of the
2017 Global Productivity report, prepared by the firm How Much based on the
Expert Market study of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD), it is concluded that not
by much work Higher productivity or a higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is
achieved. In Colombia, we work more hours per week, but we are less productive
than other countries.
In the end, putting so much
pressure on the completion of tasks, harshly criticizing the people who know
how to manage their life - work balance, what we get are very stressed
organizations that end up being unproductive and that sacrifice quality and the
generation of value for an excess of urgency that does not lead to positive
results in the professional practice within the companies.
Postponing tasks is not always
the most convenient, however, there are cases and there are few where
procrastinating can be an important generator of value and lead a culture of
innovation within organizations.
Oscar Javier
Jiménez Yepes
MBA Javeriana
Twitter: @ Inntegrity8
Facebook: Inntegrity onestopsite
Blog: http://actualidadnoticiasdeinteres.blogspot.com
Mail: jimenez.oscar@javeriana.edu.co